General conditions


Office Hours

Low season (October  to May) - Monday to Friday: from 9:30 am to 1.30 pm and  from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm

High season (June to September) - Every day from 9:30 am to 1.30 pm and  from 4.30 pm to 8 pm


Check-in Online

Before your arrival it is necessary to complete our Check-in Online service to register all guests. You can do the check-in online until one day before your arrival. It is compulsory to formalize the delivery of keys for your accommodation, otherwise an extra fee applies.


Arrival. Check in

Key collection is at our central office located at Rambla Catalunya 24, 43840, Vila-seca, from 5:00 p.m until the closing office time.

Arrivals later than closing hours are not guaranteed without prior notice and must be confirmed by the agency. There is an additional charge of 80€.


Departure. Check-out

The departure is until 10 a.m of the last day of booking, leaving all the keys (including the control of the parking if you had it) on the table in the living room.

The accommodation must be left in the same condition in which it was delivered, unless you pay for the final cleaning service and we will take care of it.



You will be required to pay a deposit, which is specified in the accommodation description. The deposit must be paid by credit card. Once the accommodation has been checked, it will be returned to the same credit card between 7 and 10 days after departure (depending on the bank). 


Planet Costa Dorada offers the following hotel services:


Front-desk and client attention

Weekly change of bed linen and bath towels

Weekly cleaning of the accommodation 

Keeping luggage service 

Laundry service 

Catering services


Changes and Cancellations

After receiving the confirmation, you can make modifications, as long as they are possible, accepting the corresponding tariff difference, if such exists. Changes of reservation to accommodations with special rates are not accepted. Only the owner of the reservation can make changes and always in writing.

Cancellation conditions

Houses and Villas

- If cancellation is made within 30 days prior to the date of your arrival, PCD will refund 100% of the amount paid.

- If the cancellation is made less than 30 days before the date of arrival or in case of no presenting PCD will retain 100% of the amount paid.

Other accommodations

- If cancellation is made within 15 days prior to the date of your arrival, PCD will refund 100% of the amount paid.

- If the cancellation is made less than 15 days before the date of arrival or in case of no presenting PCD will retain 100% of the amount paid.

To make a modification and / or cancellation of a reservation you must send an email to informing that you want to cancel the reservation.



The maximum occupancy of each accommodation can never exceed the expressly authorized by Planet Costa Dorada.


Behavior in the accommodation

Our accommodations are within buildings and residential areas so apart from the following general rules established by Planet Costa Dorada must respect all the rules established for each community.

  • The rest hours are from 10 pm to 10 am. Any kind of noise or music is strictly prohibited during this time.
  • The consumption of water and electricity is the responsibility of Planet Costa Dorada, but it must be measured and rational. If the established limit is exceeded: light 150 kw / week and water 5m3 / week, they will have to pay € 1 for the kw and € 5 for the m3 and the amounts will be charged at the time of the return of the deposit.
  • When the air conditioner is working the doors and windows must remain closed.
  • It is forbidden to hang towels or other objects on the terrace railing.
  • If your accommodation has parking you should park only in the place indicated for Planet Costa Dorada.
  • The pool schedule is marked by each community, usually from 10:00 to 20:00 hours.
  • In both communal and private swimming pools it is mandatory to shower before using the pool. Shampoos, soaps and other products are not allowed in the pool / shower. All types of violent games (balls, shovels, discs etc ...) are prohibited. Neither mattresses and floats can be used in swimming pools.
  • You can not nail objects such as umbrellas, awnings, canvas, etc ... on the lawn.
  • Children must always be accompanied by their parents and always under their responsibility. In the event of an accident, Planet Costa Dorada will be released from all liability, owing, the lessee, keeping Planet Costa Dorada unscathed by the aforementioned concepts..


The main holder will be responsible for the correct behavior of all occupants of the accommodation, at any time. With the signing of the contract, the holder accepts these conditions. If any of the occupants of the accommodation does not behave correctly and appropriately, Planet Costa Dorada will have the right to rescind the contract and expel all occupants, immediately, regardless of the time of day or night, without the right to future claims or any type of compensation for the lessee party.

Neither Planet Costa Dorada nor the owner of the accommodation are responsible for any direct or indirect damages, or third parties, that may be caused as a result of misuse by the client, including without limitation of any kind caused by fire, theft , accidents, vandalism or other types of damage.

Failure to comply with any of the above rules will result in the total loss of the amount paid as income, expenses and taxes and the deposit deposited.

Booking an accommodation with Planet Gold Mediterranean implies the absolute and unconditional acceptance of these general conditions, as well as the jurisdiction and competence of the courts and courts of the place where the accommodation is located, with express waiver of the jurisdiction, if different


Claims :

Our goal is to provide you with all the necessary elements to enjoy your holidays and, if there is a problem or deficiency of any kind, we would appreciate it if you let us know so we can resolve it as soon as possible. Claims of any kind made to Planet Costa Dorada after the day of departure will not be treated in any way because we understand that you agree with your accommodation because you have decided to stay in it.
If during the rental period there is any breakdown in the facilities and / or equipment of the leased accommodation, you must immediately notify Planet Costa Dorada, notifying the event, and we will proceed as quickly and effectively as possible to resolve such mishap. For these purposes the tenant expressly authorizes the landlord to enter the house in his presence and in his absence, with the technical staff required in each case and to perform all actions necessary to resolve what happened.

Substitution or cancellation by Planet Costa Dorada :

In case of force majeure (damage caused by water, fire, sale of real estate etc ...) Planet Costa Dorada will replace the reserved accommodation with another of similar characteristics or better, depending on availability, or cancel the contract by refunding the total amount delivered.


  • Negligence or omission of services provided by third parties and attributable to them.
  • Theft, damage or destruction caused by third parties.
  •  Fire, explosion, flood or cut off supply.
  •  The correct use and enjoyment of the accommodation and the attached facilities will always be under the strict responsibility of the user.
  • Works or construction near the holiday property.